· This lemongrass is Non-GMO.
· This lemongrass is Non-GMO.
· Mosquitoes have been shown to avoid Lemongrass because of the strong citrus
like smell it possesses.
· To use Lemongrass to reduce mosquitos in the area, just place the plants
around the perimeter of the space you want to exclude mosquitoes. For example,
you’d want to place the Lemongrass around a patio, deck or any other outdoor
· This highly ornamental, medicinal perennial grass is native to India,
Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka. It is also called Cochin grass or Malabar
· The essential oil that is extracted is being studied for its anti-cancer
inhibiting abilities. In addition, the extracted essential oil has anti-
bacterial activity and has even been shown to halt the growth of the deadly
strain MRSA!
· Lemongrass has a citrus flavor and is used extensively in a variety of
cuisines including Thai, Vietnamese and Indian dishes among others. In
particular, it is used to flavor curries, sauces, soups, fish and chicken
· Lemongrass is considered by many to be one of the top seasonings in the
world. It is very aromatic and lends a fantastic flavor to everything it is
put in.
· Lemongrass is great for container gardening and can be brought indoors
during the winter to grow it as a houseplant. This way you could harvest the
wonderful tasting leaves year around to add some zing to your foods! In the
summer, you could place it back outside and let it repel mosquitoes!
The oil is reported to be excellent for aromatherapy for stress reduction and
Planting Directions:
Soil temperature 70-75 F
Light requirements Full Sun- partial shade
Seeding rate 2-4 seeds per plant
Moisture: Keep moist until germination
Soil type: Well Drained
Ph 6.1—7.9
Plant Spacing 36 inches
Germination time 8-20 days