Creeping Red Fine Fescue seed. Creeping Red Fine Fescue is known for its
disease resistance, low-prostrate growth, improved dark-green color, and high
shoot density. High endophyte levels result in excellent performance in mixed
climates. Mix with additional seed varieties such as Perennial Ryegrass and/or
other fine fescues for a superb lawn. Does well in zones 1-7 (can be used
annually in 8-10). Low maintenance does not require much fertilizer, higher
mowing depth recommended.
· New Lawn: 4 lbs per 1,000 sq. ft;
· Established lawn/re-seed: 2lbs per 1,000 sq. ft.
· Typical germination: 15-20 days.
* Perennial, fine-bladed grass. Excellent performance in shaded areas
* Superior disease AND drought resistance
* Aggressive tillering fills in lawns. Naturally 6-8″ tall; does well cut or uncut
* Medium to dark green color
* 97.5% pure seed, 2.5% inert matter