Freezing Peas: A Simple Guide

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    Freezing peas is easy, and a great way to keep them on hand for adding to your favorite recipes all year round.

    Whether you have an overabundance of peas from your garden or want to stock up from the grocery store or farmer’s market, freezing them is a convenient option.

    Below, I’ll show you exactly how to freeze fresh peas with or without blanching, with detailed step-by-step instructions.

    Preparing Fresh Peas for Freezing

    Before freezing fresh peas, it’s important to wash them to remove any dirt or debris. Whether you should remove them from the pod or leave them whole depends on the variety you have.

    You can freeze snow or sugar snap varieties whole without shelling them. However, you should always remove English peas from their pods first.

    To shell them, simply pop open the pod with your fingers. Then run a finger down the inside of the pod to remove them, guiding them into a bowl.

    Do You Have to Blanch Peas Before Freezing?

    You don’t have to blanch peas before freezing them, but it is ideal. Blanching locks in the flavor, helps to retain the color and texture, and can help to extend their shelf life by a few months.

    How to Blanch Peas to Freeze

    Blanching peas is simple. All you need to do is flash-cook them in boiling water for 1 to 1 ½ minutes. Then move them to an ice-cold water bath immediately afterward to stop the cooking process and allow them to cool completely.

    Methods for Freezing Peas

    There are a few methods you could use to freeze peas. The one you choose depends on the variety, how you plan to use them later, and the amount of time you have.

    Freezing Peas in Their Pods

    If you have snow or sugar snap peas, you can leave them whole because the pods are edible and have a softer structure. Leaving them whole saves time compared to shelling. These are great for tossing into stir-fries and other recipes, and you don’t even have to thaw them first.

    Freezing Shelled Peas

    English peas require shelling before you can freeze them because their pods are tough and inedible. While this is an extra step, it’s still very simple and doesn’t take much time once you get the hang of it. Plus, it can actually be quite relaxing.

    Flash Freezing Peas

    Flash freezing is an optional step for both whole or shelled peas. But it will help to prevent them from sticking together in one large clump. Spread them evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and place it in the freezer for an hour, or until they feel firm to the touch.

    Tools & Supplies Needed

    Here is a list of tools and equipment you’ll need. Depending on the process you choose, you might not need everything:

    • Quart or gallon freezer bags
    • Permanent marker
    • Colander
    • Kitchen towel or paper towels
    • Large slotted spoon (optional)
    • Cooking pot (optional)
    • Bowl of ice water (optional)
    • Baking sheet (optional)
    • Parchment paper (optional)
    • Hands-free baggie holder (optional)

    How to Store Peas in the Freezer

    The best way to store frozen peas is using zip-top freezer bags. Once you have filled them, gently press out any excess air before sealing them so they take up less space. Store them flat and stack them in your freezer. Alternatively, you could use any type of airtight container.

    How Long Do Frozen Peas Last?

    Blanched frozen peas can last for up to a year in the freezer. If you choose not to blanch them, they will only last for about 2-3 months. To extend their life, try using a food vacuum sealer.


    Can You Freeze Fresh Peas Without Blanching?

    Yes, you can freeze fresh peas without blanching them first. However, blanching locks in the flavor, color, and texture, and helps them last a few months longer in the freezer.

    Can You Freeze Peas in Their Pods?

    Whether you can freeze peas in their pods or not depends on the type you have. You can freeze snow and sugar snap varieties whole since the pods are edible. But it’s best to shell English peas to remove the tough, inedible pods before freezing them.

    What Is the Best Way to Freeze Fresh Peas?

    The best way to freeze fresh peas is to blanch them first, then spread them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place them into the freezer for about 1 hour, or until they are firm, before filling your airtight bags.

    Can You Freeze Raw Peas?

    Yes, you can freeze raw peas. But flash-cooking (aka blanching) them first will help them retain the best texture, flavor, and color, and make them last longer.

    How Long Do You Blanch Peas Before Freezing?

    Blanch (flash-cook) peas for 1-1 ½ minutes before freezing them. Remove them from the boiling water and immediately place them into a bowl of ice water to cool them and stop the cooking process.

    How Do I Thaw Frozen Peas?

    To thaw frozen peas, you can either leave them in the bag or place them in a strainer, then run cold water over them for a few minutes.

    Can You Freeze Cooked Peas?

    I don’t recommend freezing cooked peas as they will become mushy once thawed, especially when you add them to a recipe.

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